Artificial Intelligence and Reengineering Educational Content and Resources for Industrial Transformation in a Depressing Economy


  • Egbebi John Oluyemi Ahmadu Bello University Author
  • Jegede Adepitan Adebowale Lagos State University of Education Author
  • Alabi Christianah Oluwakemi Emmanuel Alayande University of Education Author



The paper explored artificial intelligence and the reengineering of educational content and resources for industrial transformation in a depressing economy. it specifically examined artificial intelligence and education service delivery; the concept of artificial intelligence; the prospects of artificial intelligence in the education industry across three levels in Nigeria; key challenges of reengineering educational content and resources in a depressed economy; benefits of digital pedagogy on school curriculum; impact of reengineering educational content and resources on the economy; case studies on balance educational resources and content for industry enhanced output; factors militating against artificial intelligence/reengineering of educational content; and educational resources;  and indicators of depressed economy against artificial intelligence/reengineering education. The paper concluded and recommended among others that, all concerned education authorities like national education, research, and development; National Commission on Education, etc should work as a matter of urgency on educational institutions' curriculum overload to blend to the yearning of industries by the application of artificial intelligence to assist all managers of education; and role of technology, that of artificial intelligence should be infused into institutional administration and management: encourage educational institutions to adopt and implement digital learning platforms and tools, such as virtual classrooms and adaptive learning software, to improve the quality and accessibility of education through artificial intelligence apparatus.


