Cognitive and Psychological Reverberations of Remote Learning on Students at the University of Saida




Distance learning using Information and Communication Technology has become a necessary option that has replaced the traditional way of learning. Teachers opted for this alternative to complete the lacunas of teaching or the allotted duration of learning when unexpected matters such as the emergence of the pandemic Covid 19 and the closure of universities take place. In other words, teachers have started integrating Information and Communication Technology gadgets in the past but not with the same amount as in today’s classes since using them was a choice rather than a necessity. Accordingly, the present study aims to determine the psychological effects of distance learning on Algerian students and the extent to which students have accepted or rejected this new system of learning. The researchers find it necessary to tackle this issue since it has become a part of students’ lives. A psychological attitudes questionnaire was applied to a sample of students at Saida University attempting to answer the set-up questions. Yet, 20 master two students have been selected randomly, and the obtained data will be processed, analyzed, and interpreted both quantitatively and qualitatively. Although the study has shown that distance learning has proved effective during this period, the great majority of students have shown some negative attitudes as this type of learning has resulted in some undesirable feelings and psychological troubles. The latter are embodied in feelings of insecurity, anxiety, fear, stress, and despair, which have negatively influenced students' learning performance and psychological well-being.


