Evidence of Conceptual Crisis in the Scientific Discourse of Material Civilization in Quantum Physics


  • بوطورة حنان مخبر البحوث والدراسات الاجتماعية، سكيكدة Author
  • منصوري سميرة مخبر البحوث والدراسات الاجتماعية، سكيكدة Author




Conceptual crisis, material civilization, quantum physics, scientific discourse


This paper aims to investigate the evidence of the conceptual crisis in the deterministic material scientific discourse after the emergence of quantum physics. The paper examines the common concepts among all sciences and specialities, which are: the part, the whole, the structure, objectivity, causality, phenomenon, and cumulative knowledge. To extract its cognitive implications which are reflected on the premises of studying all dimensions of existence, including biological and social, in a way that necessitates their reorganization according to the data resulting from experiments in quantum physics. We have concluded that the evidence of conceptual crisis has shown distortions in the meanings adopted by the basic conceptual system in the deterministic material scientific discourse, demonstrating that we cannot understand the apparent if we view it as deterministic structural relationships in which the parts integrate to form the unified whole that can be fragmented into components for understanding the whole. The apparent relationships do not provide us with complete information about the overall system in which they operate. Therefore, unified systems are not studied except as informational systems (wave function), where their pairs cannot be separated because they intertwine and integrate completely into the whole and emerge as a whole with their unique imprint. Thus, it presented an alternative unified vision of the relationship of the self with the object, where they intertwine harmoniously, giving each its unique imprint without canceling each other out. It expanded the concept of causality to include its possibilities in various directions. It did not nullify it, but rather gave it a broader and wider significance through its unified implications, thus refuting the concept of cumulative knowledge in a gradual sequential time.





