The Figurative Structure of the Implicit Metaphor and its Problem with Rhetoric Scholars
البنية التصويرية للاستعارة المكنية وإشكاليتها عند البلاغيين
University of Saida, Dr Moulay Tahar, Algeria
This research talks about the difference between Rhetoric scholars in the concept of implicit metaphor. It tries to analyze each concept alone and identifies the elements that contribute to its pictorial structure, such as the imagination that accompanies it. This research also deals with the phenomenon of plurality in figurative analysis, between implicit metaphor and other images. Hence, it aims to clarify other analyses of the implicit metaphor and limit the analyses that accompany it, to be a present tool in rhetorical analysis. The study relies on the descriptive-analytical method and some simple representations
Keywords: Figure, implicit metaphor, imagination, structure, trope, rhetoric
How to Cite this Paper :
شعيب يحيى .(2025) . البنية التصويرية للاستعارة المكنية وإشكاليتها عند البلاغيين. مجلة أطراس، 6(1)، 602-614
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