ATRAS is an entirely free and open access, double-blind reviewed academic journal published by the Faculty of Letters, Languages, and Arts, University of Saida, Dr. Moulay Tahar, Algeria, in two issues per year, January and July, in print and online. Manuscripts are accepted in English, French, and Arabic.
Subjects covered by ATRAS:
Literature, Literature and Culture, Linguistics and Literature, Language Studies, Applied Linguistics, General Linguistics, Language Learning and Teaching, Translation, Cultural Studies, Language and Communication, Sociology & Psychology.
The journal publishes review articles, scientific reviews, reports of seminars, academic scientific reports, and critics in the following disciplines:
- Culture and intercultural communication
- Second language and foreign language studies
- Challenges and innovations in education
- Assessment in EFL context
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- E-learning
- Syllabus design and curriculum development
- ESP context
- Language for Specific Purposes
- Literature and language learning
- Learning and management systems
- Blended learning
- Translation studies
- Translation in literature
- Translation and globalization
- Curriculum innovation evaluation
- Stylistics and discourse analysis
- Literary studies and interdisciplinary approaches in the literature
- Literature and history
- Literature and media
- Gender issues and language use
- Identity and language through literature
- Language policy and planning and decision-making
- Languages in contact
- Sociology & psychology