Manuscript’s Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
N° | Details | Mark |
01 | Authors have prepared the manuscripts based on the “Author’s Guide’ which is published on the journal website. | |
02 | The manuscript meets the journal’s scope. | |
03 | The manuscript must be written in MS Word, double-spaced in 12-point font with 2 cm blank on the sides, top, and bottom. | |
04 | The paper has been arranged following the main components of academic research: Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. | |
05 | The total manuscript length should not exceed 6.000 words including abstract and references. | |
06 | The author’s full name and affiliation have been included. | |
07 | The paper is thoroughly revised in terms of language and style. The paper is written in good and correct American English. | |
08 | The title should reflect exactly the nature of the study. A clear title will increase the visibility and citation of the paper. It should be clear and informative. | |
09 | Keywords (but not abbreviations) are arranged in alphabetical order after the abstract. Include at least 5 to 7 keywords. | |
10 | To achieve better exposure for your article, please make sure your keywords are clear and accurate. Listing your keywords will help researchers find your work in databases. | |
11 | Words limit for an abstract should be between 150 and 250. | |
12 | Heading and subheadings appear in a consistent format throughout the manuscript as specified by APA style. | |
13 | Abbreviations should be mentioned when necessary and defined in the first use. | |
14 | Tables should be numbered with sequential Arabic figures: Table 1, Table 2, and so on. Do not number your tables with references to chapter numbers or with letters (i.e. Table 2.4). | |
15 | Each table or figure must have its title. | |
16 | All statistical methods should be described in detail. | |
17 | Each reference cited in the text should appear in your reference list and vice versa. Please cross-check carefully any missing references. All the references in the list and the text should conform to the journal guidelines and APA style. All the references should be listed in alphabetical order. Include the doi of journal articles if they are available. | |
18 | All the references should be carefully reviewed and verified. |
Publication Guidelines
Atras Journal welcomes original papers that have not been published before or are under consideration for publication in any journal.
A/ General Guidelines
Author(s) should submit the manuscript in a Word file and should be submitted Online through The Algerian Scientific Journal Platform (ASJP) at https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/880 or to the editor of Atras Journal at atrasuniv2022@gmail.com
* The submitted paper should be between 3000 to 6000 words. This includes among other components tables, figures, and appendices, i.e., the paper should not exceed 15 pages.
* All submitted papers should have the components of an academic article: abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusion, and references.
* Each article should have five to seven keywords (listed alphabetically) after the abstract. The keywords help increase the visibility of the paper.
* Authors should follow the journal template and guidelines.
* Authors should follow APA style guidelines (7 th ed).
* Manuscripts should be written in size 12 pts (Times New Roman) with 2 inches margins on all sides.
* The journal does not recommend the use of footnotes. They can be included as endnotes.
* Manuscripts should contain enough references (more than 10 updated references).
* Authors are responsible for any violation of academic standards and plagiarism. Sources should be appropriately cited and acknowledged.
* Authors should respect the journal’s peer-reviewed policy, respect, and improve their papers according to the reviewers’ comments.
* Authors should respect the journal deadlines in revising their manuscripts.
* No references should be added by authors after editing their papers.
* Atras requires that all researchers should include an ORCID.
B/ Specific Guidelines
Article Structure
The following structure should be found in the article:
1/ Title: It should be concise and informative. It should not exceed 12 words according to APA style.
2/ Abstract: It should be written as one non-indented block that does not exceed 250 words. It is a concise summary that should include the main aim, the significance, the context and methods, and a summary of the findings.
3/ Introduction: It should include a background that identifies the research problem. It should also include the main aim, the significance of the study, the research objectives, and the research questions.
4/ Methodology: This section describes the sample, the research instruments, the research procedures, and data analysis.
5/ Findings: It includes the analysis of data through the help of tables and figures. The presentation includes quantitative and qualitative data.
6/ Discussion: Authors should answer the research questions and confirm the hypotheses. The findings should be discussed and interpreted according to the literature review section.
7/ Conclusion: It should be short in its form. It includes a summary of the main findings and recommendations for future research.
8/ References: All references should be listed alphabetical order. They should be formatted according to APA style. Authors should include primary and secondary sources which should exceed 10 references. The list should be fruitful and updated.
C/ Conflicts of Interest
All sources of financial support for the project should be clearly stated and acknowledged by the author to avoid any conflicts of interest.
D/ Declaration of Using AI Generator Contents
Authors should disclose the use of AI generators in generating content for their papers. The declaration should be added to the paper by the end before the references list. Authors can use AI generators like Grammarly to improve their language scores.