Satire and Enigma Discourse in the Contemporary Arabic Poetry: The Incomplete Descriptions by Ahmed Mater as a Case Study
السخرية وخطاب الألغاز في الشعر العربي المعاصر لافتة (أوصاف ناقصة) لـ (أحمد مطر) نموذجا
Samira Garoui
University of Abess Lagrour Khenchela, Algeria
Ahmed Matar, the poet, delves into the realm of contrast and diversity within the architectural framework of his poems, aptly termed )signs(. He adorns each poem with a refined artistic touch, crafting a unique artistic identity for each, while framing them within a satirical discourse. Recognizing the nuanced nature of every discourse, our study aims to explain the limits of the ideologization of his speech in the poem Incomplete Description and identify the mechanisms he used to ridicule the miserable Arab reality and the limits of argumentation and poeticism that framed it. Leveraging structural analysis methodologies, we unravel the intricacies of the satirical enigmatic discourse, elucidating the rhetorical finesse of the arguments employed and revealing the dialogical strategy that structured the sign. The findings of our study illuminate that the embrace of dark satire manifested through linguistic paradoxes and evasive manoeuvres, served as a responsive avenue to the poet’s emotional and psychological cadence, encapsulating the twists of his discontented sentiments amidst the burdensome Arab reality and the political theatre entrenched in deceit and hubris
Keywords: Arguments, Enigma Discourse, dialogical strategy, poetics, satire, sign
How to Cite this Paper :
سميرة قروي .(2025) . السخرية وخطاب الألغاز في الشعر العربي المعاصر لافتة (أوصاف ناقصة) لـ (أحمد مطر) نموذجا. مجلة أطراس، 6(1)، 615-625
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