A Comparative Study of Self-directed Learning Skills in Light of Internet Usage Among Algiers 2 University Students
دراسة مقارنة لمهارات التعلّم الموجّه ذاتيًا في ضوء استخدام شبكة الإنترنت لدى طلبة جامعة الجزائر 2
Tahiri Wafa
University of Algiers 2- Abu al-Qasim Saad Allah, Algeria
This study aimed to evaluate the level of self-directed learning skills among a sample of students from the University of Algiers 2, with a focus on their internet usage patterns. The psychometric properties of the self-directed learning skills scale were meticulously assessed for validity and reliability to support the objectives of the study. The research encompassed all third-year students from the Department of Education Sciences at the University of Algiers 2, specializing in Guidance and Counseling and Special Education, with a total of 101 participants. Results were derived using statistical analysis programs, specifically the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Methods employed included computing means, standard deviations, and T-tests. The findings revealed that the participants demonstrated a high level of self-directed learning skills. Interpersonal skills were the most prominent, whereas self-assessment skills were the least developed, yet both were classified at a high level. Furthermore, the study identified statistically significant differences (at α ≤ 0.01) in self-directed learning skills between students with high and medium internet usage, excluding the domains of self-awareness, self-assessment, and interpersonal skills. The findings of the study were thoroughly analyzed in the context of their alignment with the theoretical framework and relevant previous research. Based on this comprehensive examination, a series of informed recommendations were proposed.
Keywords: Internet, self-directed learning, skills, students, usage
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70091/Atras/vol06no01.45
How to Cite this Paper :
وفاء طهيري .(2025) . دراسة مقارنة لمهارات التعلّم الموجّه ذاتيًا في ضوء استخدام شبكة الإنترنت لدى طلبة جامعة الجزائر2. مجلة أطراس، 6(1)، 670-687
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