Automated Processing for Teaching the Arabic Language between the Duality of Cognitive Perception and Artificial Intelligence
المعالجة الآليّة لتعليم اللّغة العربيّة بين ازدواجيّة التّصوّر العرفانيّ والذّكاء الاصطناعي.
Mouissi Mokhtar
University of Sidi Bel Abbes Djilali Liabes, Algeria
Lardjani Asmaa Khadidja
University of Sidi Bel Abbes Djilali Liabes, Algeria
Hachemi Mouffak
University of Saida, Dr. Moulay Tahar, Algeria
This article aims to clarify the aspects of teaching the Arabic language in a modern way. By benefits from cognitive linguistics as a mental approach that works on the mechanisms of perception and the creative role played by the human mind on one hand, and the applications of artificial intelligence on the other hand. This study deals with the new vision of the cognitive linguistic approach to language and the world’s openness to the field of artificial intelligence by investing in effectiveness- cognitive transformation and linking language to the human brain. The study benefited from the appropriate descriptive approach to display and analyze work data. Reaching results demonstrated that artificial intelligence gained an important position in the field of cognitive sciences; as it revealed human recognition of information technology and the exploitation of computer science in the service of humanity. Artificial intelligence science is also based on two pillars, which are computer software and the machine, as the program represents the human mind on one hand, and on the other hand, the machine with its tools represents the human body with its organs.
Keywords: Arabic language, Artificial intelligence, Automated processing, cognitive
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