Aesthetic Sense among Children between 11 and 14 Years: Music Listening Tendencies for Middle School Pupils as a Case Study
الحس الجمالي لدى الأطفال ما بين (11 و14) سنة:
استقراء لنموذج من ميولات الاستماع الموسيقي لتلاميذ الطور المتوسط
Chichoune Nadjib
Ecole Normale Superieure Cheikh Mohamed El-Bachir El-Ibrahimi Kouba, Algeria
Belkacem Chaima
Ecole Normale Superieure Cheikh Mohamed El-Bachir El-Ibrahimi Kouba, Algeria
The study addresses the issue of awakening the musical aesthetic sense among middle school pupils. The goal of this process is to enhance their sense of beauty, concentration, and mental performance, which results from the processes of receiving and enjoying lyrical and musical works; thus, the interest and desire to work. Musical awakening is an important educational process, which comes through the music education class in the intermediate stage, aiming to motivate pupils and develop their creative abilities and critical thinking. To cover the topic and achieve its objectives, the study required the use of a questionnaire to collect, describe and analyze data following the requirements of the descriptive analytical approach, and to evaluate the motivations and level of musical awakening among a sample of pupils composed of two groups: first-year intermediate pupils who had not studied music before, and fourth-year pupils from the same level, because they studied music in the previous years. At last, the differences are recorded and monitored with the two groups of the sample, allowing concrete suggestions aiming to activate the roles of this artistic course.
Keywords: Adolescence, aesthetic sense, children, inclinations, music listening
How to Cite this Paper :
نجيب شيشون، شيماء بلقاسم .(2025) . الحس الجمالي لدى الأطفال ما بين (11 و14) سنة: استقراء لنموذج من ميولات الاستماع الموسيقي لتلاميذ الطور المتوسط . مجلة أطراس، 6(1)، 722-743
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