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Using Technological Tools in Teaching Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Clinical Settings in Algeria from the Perspective of Speech Therapists and Psychologists – A Field Study

واقع استخدام التقنيات التكنولوجية في تعليم الأشخاص المصابين باضطراب طيف التوحد بالوسط العيادي في الجزائر من وجهة نظر الممارسين الأرطفونيين والنفسانيين – دراسة ميدانية-

Mohamed Keriati Abdallah
University of Abou Elkacim Saadallah, algeiers2, Algeria
Bousebta Yamina
University of Abou Elkacim Saadallah, algeiers2, Algeria


This study aims to explore the situation of clinical practice in Algeria regarding the use of technology in learning about individuals with autism spectrum disorder, The study used the electronic scientific interview to collect data. Twenty-eight clinical practitioners from 10 Algerian provinces, including speech therapists and psychologists participated in the study, this study found that the use of technology in learning about people with autism spectrum disorder is very limited, The percentage of clinicians utilizing technology at their workplace to teach individuals with ASD did not exceed 18%, and the rate of technology integration in learning individuals with ASD (online) stands at 7%. The results indicated that the TEACCH program was the most commonly used manual-based therapeutic program for teaching individuals with ASD, with a usage rate of 64%.

Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, clinical practice, speech therapists, technological tools, therapeutic programmes

DOI: https://doi.org/10.70091/Atras/vol06no01.49

How to Cite this Paper :

محمد قرياتي عبد الله، بوسبتة يمينة (2024). واقع استخدام التقنيات التكنولوجية في تعليم الأشخاص المصابين باضطراب طيف التوحد بالوسط العيادي في الجزائر من جهة نظر الممارسين الأرطفونيين والنفسانيين- دراسة ميدانية-. مجلة أطراس، 6(1)،  744-759


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