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tiSome Sleep Disorders as Predictors of Internet Addiction among Middle School Studentstre

بعض اضطرابات النوم بوصفها منبئات بإدمان الأنترنيت لدى تلاميذ الطور المتوسط

Hamri Sara
University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Algeria


The present study aimed to find out the relationship between internet addiction and sleep disorders among middle school students and identify whether there were statistically significant differences in the level of internet addiction due to gender variables. The study sample consisted of (384) male and female students, and a measure of internet addiction and sleep disorders was conducted. After analyzing the data using the statistical packages for the social sciences program (SPSS) version 20, the results revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in internet addiction due to gender. We have found a statistically significant in sleep disorders due to the level of internet addiction. The result indicated the contribution of sleep disorders in a function in predictable ways to internet addiction.

Keywords: Middle school, internet, internet addiction, sleep disorders, student

DOI: https://doi.org/10.70091/Atras/vol06no01.50

How to Cite this Paper :

صارة حمري .(2025) . بعض اضطرابات النوم بوصفها منبئات بإدمان الأنترنيت لدى تلاميذ الطور المتوسط. مجلة أطراس، 6(1)،  760-777


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