The Department of English Language and Literature Organizes
The First National Conference on
Integrating English Language Learning for Teachers in Algerian Universities: Challenges and Perspectives
إدراج اﻟﻠــــــــــــﻐﺔ اﻻﻧﺠﻠﯿــــــﺰﯾﺔ ﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ أﺳﺎﺗﺬة اﻟﺠـــــــــــﺎﻣﻌﺎت اﻟﺠﺰاﺋﺮﯾﺔ: اﻟﺘﺤﺪﯾـــــﺎت و اﻵﻓـــــــــــﺎق
October 23/24, 2023, Saida, Algeria
Honorary Guest
Prof. Fethallah Ouahbi TEBBOUNE (Rector of the University)
Honorary Chairman
Dr. Ben Yahia SAIDI (Dean of the Faculty of Letters, Languages, and Arts)
Conference Chair

The English language is one of the most common languages in the world and the most learned in the countries of non-native speakers, which made it occupy the forefront of the remarkable and unprecedented technological development and the digital revolution, as it swept all fields. It has ranked first in our current era, and everyone is seeking to learn and master it, as it reflects the extent of development and sophistication reached by the speaking societies, given that it is their mother tongue, similar to the United States of America and Britain. The degree of importance that education has reached is no longer in doubt, but rather it has become a certainty that all countries of the world eager for progress and prosperity learn, as it has become the only truth that everyone agrees upon. It made it one of its top priorities and at the forefront of its policies.Thus, teaching English at the Algerian university, especially for teachers of higher education in various disciplines in a manner that conforms to international standards, has become a necessity and a priority for everyone to take care of, as it is no longer about teaching the language in terms of grammar and morphology only, but through practice and use, in fulfillment of the requirements and needs of the learner, especially the university teachers. Reality requires us to look forward to upgrading education to the ranks of professionalism, and for this, we must plan based on study and evaluation, as imposed on us by the massive spread of the English Language at all levels and requires us to discuss ways to ensure the quality of its learning and teaching in universities.
This conference aims to bring together researchers specialized who are interested in various aspects that cover the domain in relation to English learning and teaching to discuss the latest issues, we particularly welcome contributions on the following tracks (but not limited to):
– Teaching English in Algerian Higher Education.
– The need for English as a second language.
– Learning English for specific purposes.
– Teachers ‘motivation to learn English.
– Learning English online for University teachers as a new experience and perspective – Teachers ‘need to improve their English.
– English language training expectations.
The Conference Chair
Submission and Guidelines
The abstract should be submitted by October, 4th 2023, and sent to guerroudjnaima@gmail.com