Title: Polyphonie et mécanismes de l’écriture polycentrique dans l’œuvre d’Assia DJEBAR
Ecole normale supérieure de Bouzaréah
«Moubarak Ben Mohamed Ibrahim
Our analysis proposes to highlight the links existing between the enunciative polyphony and the mechanisms of polycentric writing in novel of Assia Djebar. The Woman without burial. By drawing the portrait of the narrator and female characters, we noticed that the labyrinthine fictions use to show the nature of the story dialogue since each voice gives birth to text even if it tends to develop in reverse of the enunciative instance.
Our studies of textual micro-sequences converge in the direction of polycentric writing its multidimensional branching and variable aims to demonstrate the interactive and convergences reflected in the writing considered here as a polycentric process around in which several grids of narratological and semiotic readings are crossed that we could analyze in a broader perspective particularly in poetic construction.
Polyphony- Polyphonic writing – Story- Voice-Enunciatively instance – Text.
How to Cite this Paper:
Bengaffour, N. (2020). Polyphonie et mécanismes de l’écriture polycentrique dans l’œuvre d’Assia DJEBAR. Atras Journal, 01(2), 06-18
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