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Implementing English as a Medium of Instruction in Algerian Higher Education: Facts and Challenges

Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, Algeria
n.amara@univ-chlef.dz ,


This article explores the implementation of English as a Medium Instruction in Algerian higher education and its role in enhancing content learning and English language proficiency.
EMI posits that using English as the medium of instruction can provide a robust framework for effectively delivering academic subjects. The article highlights the historical significance of integrating English across the curriculum and underscores the importance of content faculties in teaching subjects in English. This approach aims to align with global academic standards and elevate the visibility of Algerian higher education institutions internationally.
The focus is on reviewing the implementation of EMI in different countries and the challenges faced after adopting such a policy. Finally, the practicalities and prerequisites of implementing EMI in Algeria are examined, considering the potential challenges and benefits.

Keywords: Content Faculty, English as a Medium of Instruction, Higher Education, implementation challenges, language across the curriculum

How to Cite this Paper :

Amara, N. (2025). Implementing English as a Medium of Instruction in Algerian Higher Education: Facts and Challenges. Atras Journal, 6 (1), 34-45.


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