Teachers’ Feedback Contribution to the Reinforcement of Students’ Writing Competence in Light of AI Widespread: Third-Year EFL Student
at Saida University as a Case Study
Sidi-Bel-Abbès University, Algeria
Mohamed GRAZIB
University of Saida, Dr. Moulay Tahar, Algeria
One of the fundamental skills required in the process of language learning is writing; however, it is the most challenging one as well. EFL Students’ deficiency in writing skills is due to the accumulation of different factors such as the limited time allotted for Written Expression, the lack of constructive feedback from teachers and the influence of Artificial Intelligence mainly after the pandemic. Most learners nowadays show total dependence on using AI to carry out their assignments; this issue affected negatively their writing level. The present research paper aims above all to examine the vital role of Written Expression teachers’ feedback to reinforce 3 rd year students’ writing skills to overcome the potential risks of AI widespread. The investigation made use of both student questionnaire and teachers’ interview at the Department of English as research tools to achieve the desired objectives. Findings proved that teacher feedback has a crucial role in the improvement of students’ production.
Keywords: AI impact, reinforcement of students’ writing skill, students’ deficiency, teacher’s feedback, Written Expression.
How to Cite this Paper :
Abdellaoui, K., & Grazib, M.(2025). Teachers’ Feedback Contribution to the Reinforcement of Students’ Writing Competence in Light of AI Widespread: Third-Year EFL Student at Saida University as a Case Study.Atras Journal, 6 (1), 95-112.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70091/Atras/vol06no01.6
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