Investigating the Impact of Using TikTok on Listening Comprehension Acquisition for First-year Students at the College
of Science and Arts in Unaizah
Department of English Language and Literature,
Faculty of Languages and Humanities, Unaizah, Saudi Arabia
The present study explores the impact of TikTok on listening comprehension skills among first-year English language students at the College of Science and Arts in Unaizah. With the rise of social media as a learning tool, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, TikTok has emerged as a platform for informal language acquisition. The research employs a descriptive survey methodology, comparing two groups of students: one with high engagement (8-10 hours per week) in educational TikTok content and another with minimal or no engagement. The primary research questions investigate the essential listening comprehension skills that students should master and whether significant differences exist between the two groups in acquiring these skills, specifically in skimming, scanning, and critical listening. The findings provide practical insights for educators on integrating modern technology into language instruction. Ultimately, this investigation seeks to fill a gap in existing research regarding TikTok’s influence on EFL listening comprehension, offering valuable implications for both theoretical understanding and practical application in language education..
Keywords: Listening comprehension, Saudi Arabia, social media, TikTok, video sharing platforms
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