Sociocultural and Identity Dynamics Reflected in the Choice of Names in School Textbooks
Samia Ilhem NOUADRI
University Centre of Barika, Algeria
This research delves into the impact and significance of proper names in textbooks, with a particular focus on their ability to influence the cultural and social identity of students. By examining the selection and use of first names within these educational materials, the goal is to uncover how they reflect sociocultural interactions and contribute to education on diversity as well as the socialization of students. Situated in an educational context where issues of diversity and inclusion are becoming increasingly central, this study highlights the need to adopt teaching strategies that embrace and valorize the diversity of identities and cultural heritages. The study reveals that proper names in textbooks not only mirror societal norms and values but also serve as powerful tools for fostering inclusivity and promoting awareness of diverse cultural identities. Effective integration of diverse names can significantly enhance students’ understanding of cultural heritage and social identity dynamics, while poor representation may perpetuate stereotypes or exclusions.
Keywords: Anthroponyms, Cultural Identity, Diversity, Identity Dynamics, Social Identity, Textbook
How to Cite this Paper :
Nouadri, S. I. (2025). Sociocultural and Identity Dynamics Reflected in the Choice of Names in School Textbooks. Atras Journal, 6 (1), 319-338
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