Bouthayna HAMMI
Institut Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Tunis, Tunisie
Before the advent of digital technologies, the educational technologies used to deliver classroom lessons were primarily based on audiovisual methods. The lack of understanding of the learning processes related to audiovisual media did not question the effectiveness of these technologies in foreign language teaching. To assess the influence of new technologies on student performance, we examined the learning of French through various methodologies, digital artistic media that promote communicative competence, as well as the role of audiovisual materials in foreign language education. To provide a theoretical foundation for our research, we relied on two fields related to audiovisual media: semiology and pedagogy. Furthermore, we explored the learning of the French language with new technologies. Our research is based on a theoretical framework to evaluate the impact of new technologies, particularly audiovisual materials, on foreign language learning in primary schools. What are the advantages of using digital media in French as a foreign language class? How can we increase the level of students using audiovisual?
Keywords: Audiovisuals, artistic mediation, Digital educational support, foreign languages, new technology
How to Cite this Paper :
Hammi, B. (2025). L’intégration de nouvelles technologies dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères à l’école primaire : l’audiovisuel comme exemple. ATRAS Revue. 6(1), 483-499
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