Title: Discourse Analysis as a Mediating Method to Understand the Use of English Adverbs in Literary Text
Djalal Eddine AMRANI
Kasdi Merbah University, Ouargla, Algeria
Teachinggrammar in the classroom involves adopting new approaches and styles. Implementing literary texts, as an example, to enhance the learner’s grammatical competence has proved its efficacy for foreign English learners to fully understand most forms and uses of adverbs in English. In this article, the researcher attempts to explore the way teachers implement literary texts to help teach English adverbs, and how learners stimulate their literary background knowledge to understand how to accurately and contextually use adverbs. This study aims to make EFL learners aware of the use of adverbs in spoken and written English. For this purpose, a qualitative approach was adopted for this research. Discourse analysis was employed by nine students from Kasdi Merbah University to analyse some selected texts as samples from Oliver Twist’s (1992) novel. The result of the study showed that literary text can be of great help for learners to learn adverbs. Moreover, discourse analysis is potentially helpful for EFL learners to master adverbs in various contexts.
Keywords: Causes,China-India Borders, crisis, dispute, implications
How to Cite this Paper :
Amrani, D. E. (2024). Discourse Analysis as a Dediating Approach to Understand the Use of English Adverbs in Literary Text.Atras Journal, 5(2), 25-35
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