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Self-Regulated Learning and its Relation to Achievement Motivation among University Students in the Context of Online Learning After the COVID-19

Mounir ABBAS
University of Mouloud Mammeri- Tizi Ouzou, Algeria
College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences
Specialty Guidance and direction
PhD in Political Science and International Relations
International Political Economy Specialization
University of Algiers 3, Algeria


This study aims to understand the nature of the relationship between self-regulated learning and academic achievement motivation in the context of distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic among university students. The contemporary approach to the learning process is based on self-organization and the extent to which university students can stimulate their motivation to increase their knowledge, control the educational tasks they face, and deal with them in creative ways and ideas. We adopted a descriptive-analytical approach to conduct this study on a sample of (205) male and female second-year bachelor’s students from the Social Sciences Department with all its specializations. They were selected using a systematic random sampling method, where they were administered the Self-Regulated Learning Scale (2020) and the Academic Achievement Motivation Scale by Al-Musharrafieh (2012). After using the necessary statistical methods to process the data, the results revealed a statistically significant relationship between self-regulated learning and academic achievement motivation among the sample individuals, with significant statistical differences in the average ranks of self-regulated learning among the specializations of the Social Sciences Department, and no significant differences in terms of academic achievement motivation scores.

Keywords: Academic achievement motivation, COVID-19, online learning,  self-Regulated learning, University students


How to Cite this Paper :

Abbas, M., & Khouidmi, D. (2024). Self-Regulated Learning and its Relation to Achievement Motivation among University Students in the Context of Online Learning After the COVID-19 Pandemic. Atras Journal5(Special Issue), 97-114.


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