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Exploring Students’ Digital Literacy and Attitudes Towards Technology Applications in Learning English
The Case of Second Year Students of English at Skikda University

University of 20 Aout 1955-Skikda. Algeria


This paper investigates students’ digital literacy and their attitudes towards technology applications in English language learning. The study presents digital technologies as an important aspect of language learning and stresses the concept of digital literacy among EFL learners. Thirteen second-year students of English are selected based on random sampling to take part in this quantitative study.  Moreover, quantitative research was conducted, which is based on an online questionnaire administered to 13-second year students of English at Skikda University to explore their attitudes toward digital technologies in EFL instruction and the frequency of using technology applications in English learning. The findings of the survey show that university students have access to digital tools, such as cell phones. Nonetheless, computers and other digital tools were rarely used in educational settings.   Furthermore, the results indicate that EFL students have positive attitudes toward information and communication technologies.

Keywords: Attitudes, digital literacy, EFL learners, information and communication technologies, university students


How to Cite this Paper :

Messis, M. (2024). Exploring Students’ Digital Literacy and Attitudes Towards Technology Applications in Learning English: The Case of Second Year Students of English at Skikda University. Atras Journal5(Special Iusse), 163-175.


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