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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Students’ Academic Performance from University Teachers’ Perspectives

University Algiers 3
Elkhansa SAADI
University of Algiers 3


Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming various sectors, including education. This study investigates the impact of artificial intelligence on students’ academic performance across different fields from the perspective of university teachers at different universities in Algeria. The study employed a descriptive analytical approach and a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 150 higher education university teachers. The results indicate that university teachers generally perceive a positive impact of artificial intelligence techniques on students’ academic performance, citing improvements in critical thinking, problem-solving skills, independence in learning, and creativity. However, they also acknowledge challenges such as the potential for reduced human interaction, overreliance on artificial intelligence, the need for teacher training, ethical considerations, and the digital divide. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the perceptions of university teachers regarding the role of artificial intelligence in education and highlights the need for further research to address the challenges and maximize the benefits of artificial intelligence in higher education

Keywords: Academic performance, artificial intelligence, higher education, perspectives, students

How to Cite this Paper :

Guidoum, S., & Saadi, E.(2024). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Students’ Academic Performance from university teachers’ Perspectives. Atras Journal, 5(Sepcial Issue), 381-395.



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