Teachers’ Attitudes about the Feasibility of Using ChatGPT in English Classes
Khenchela University, Algeria
It is becoming prevalent nowadays to resort to artificial intelligence tools to find solutions to problems considered new or challenging. One example of these tools is Chat GPT. Even though practitioners in the educational arena consider the functions of Chat GPT as extraordinary, they have always complained about the manifested overdependence upon this tool. This work aims at gauging teachers’ attitudes about the feasibility of using Chat GPT in classes of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Conducting this research can help teachers and students ascertain the right way of using Chat GPT and the areas wherein this tool can be most productive. Accordingly, a semi-structured interview with seven teachers at the Department of English at Khenchela University was conducted. Findings maintained that EFL teachers at Khenchela University do not support the implementation of Chat GPT in their classes because learners’ performance would be devoid of all cultural, affective, and interactive attributes. Accordingly, choosing to use Chat GPT in language-based classes should be accompanied by some working knowledge about the way this tool can help students acquire the language and enhance their performance in the four language skills.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Chat GPT, EFL classes, feasibility, teachers’ attitudes, teaching-learning process
How to Cite this Paper :
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