Article 01 Special Issue Vol 05
Blended Learning, Digital Shakespeare, Education in Tunisia, Flipped classrooms, Inclusive Teaching, Teacher Training, Teaching Shakespeare, Post-COVID
ATRAS is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, and multidisciplinary journal issued by the Faculty of Letters, Languages, and Arts, Saida University
Blended Learning, Digital Shakespeare, Education in Tunisia, Flipped classrooms, Inclusive Teaching, Teacher Training, Teaching Shakespeare, Post-COVID
Accountability, Constraints, COVID-19 pandemic, Mediocrity, Poor performance, Research undertaking
Reconsidering the Nature of EFL Teaching and Learning in the Post-Pandemic Era: What Procedures for What Purposes, distance teaching and learning, EFL context, reconsideringELT, post-pandemic era
COVID-19, Blended learning, Face to face learning, Jitsi, Moodle, professional development programs
Assessment, COVID-19 pandemic, hybrid teaching, literature education, online learning
EFL students, e-learning, impact, note-taking, post-pandemic era
distance learning, Google Classroom, learning process, traditional learning, virtual learning