Title: The Fences and Tissues in Counter-Representation: How to Suckle from the Wolf Without Biting You by Amara Lakhous as a Case Study
فتيحة عاشوري
جامعة الشاذلي بن جديد(الجزائر)
Our research paper seeks to investigate how the fences of representation work and expose the savage wolf latent in the Western man, by investigating the tissues of the narrative that resist it in prolonging cultural racism and calling for a humane cultural equation, so the novel How to Suckle from the Wolf Without Biting you by Amara Lakhous along with intellectual studies was a legitimate defense mechanism to limit the forms of domination and end the myth of representation and guardianship, we chose the cultural critical approach as a mechanism to investigate the Western cultural patterns and how they work In the worlds of truth/reality and fiction/narrative, by posing questions related to the question of the ego and the fate of the self, and at the same time they are questions that reread the other in terms of exposing its arguments centered on this self, which seeks through its counter-cultural discourse to smash these arguments, hence it is an issue that tries to extrapolate how these implicit cultural fences that surround the boundaries of the counter-cultural representational discourse appear, to see how far this discourse was able to weave an argument condemning this biased, racist cultural representation?
Amara Lakhous’ How to Suckle from the Wolf Without Biting, cultural representation, counter-cultural representation, narratives of resistance
How to Cite this Paper:
عاشوري فتيحة. (2024). أسيجة التمثيل و أنسجة التمثيل الثقافي المضاد- قراءة في رواية ‘كيف ترضع من الذئبة دون أن تعضك؟ لـعمارة لخوص. مجلة أطراس، 5(2)، 354-362
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