Article 01 Issue 01 VOL 3 January 2022
ideas, master dissertations, plagiarism, students, writing
ATRAS is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, and multidisciplinary journal issued by the Faculty of Letters, Languages, and Arts, Saida University
TRAS journal is a peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by the Faculty of Letters, Languages and Arts at University of Saida, Dr. Moulay Tahar, Algeria. A group of professors and researchers who have experience and knowledge in various disciplines review and evaluate the submitted papers.
ideas, master dissertations, plagiarism, students, writing
Ben Jelloun’s Laylet el Qadr, female sexuality, taboos, Maghrebian Francophone Literature
English Book, Middle School, Multiple Intelligences Theory, Algeria
De l’approche-cours à l’approche-programme: Quel impact sur la formation en FOU Approche, cours, polycopié, programme, université
كتاب اللسانيات و البيداغوجية، علي ايت اوشان، تدريس اللغة العربية